Hairbook by Ivica Suljak is located at Kavanjinova 1 and operates under this name, while for years it has been under the name Hairbook. Hairdressers with years of experience work in the salon and have been trained to communicate with clients in Croatian, English and German. With a previous appointment, you can have a free consultation at this salon. We are known for making the most demanding festive hairstyles and have extensive experience working at fashion events, fashion campaigns and editorials.
This salon is known for being visited by a large number of tourists who praise the entire team on social networks for great professionalism and great job done. Some even go so far as to say that they have been to various salons around the world, but just in Hairbook they got what they wanted.
Hairbook by Ivica Suljak - Hairstyles for Wedding and Other Occasions - Hairdresser Split. Hairbook by Ivica Suljak is the right choice for festive and other hair styles.